Welcome to py-pdf-term’s documentation!

py-pdf-term is a fully-configurable terminology extraction module written in Python.


PDF files, widely-spread data format for sharing information with other people.


terminology list per PDF page, convertable to JSON format.


There are countless number of implementations of terminology extraction algorithms. Many of them support personal trials to demonstrate efficacy of the algorithm. However, they don’t consider real application so that it is difficult to use in practical softwares.

The goal is to support both of laboratory use and practical use of terminology extraction.


pip install py-pdf-term

You also need to install spaCy models ja_core_news_sm and en_core_web_sm, which this module depends on.

pip install https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ja_core_news_sm-3.7.0/ja_core_news_sm-3.7.0.tar.gz
pip install https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/en_core_web_sm-3.7.0/en_core_web_sm-3.7.0.tar.gz


The module provides rich configurations for laboratory use and for practical use.

For laboratory use

switch of ranking algorithms

There are countless number of algorithms rank terminology. The more algorithms are proposed, the more essential selecting a suitable one is. Sometimes you need to implement original one for a specific case you face to. This module enables you to select a ranking algorithm with a configuration.

plug-in for trial-and-error

Trial-and-error is also essential to have ideal outputs. For example: removing garbage words, considering one more attribute of words. This module enables you to plug your ideas into the process as classes.

For practical use

i/o customizing

In practical softwares, files are often not in a local storage. I/O functions for a remote storage are more complicated than built-in ones such as open/close/read/write. This module enables you to replace I/O functions with yours.

cache mechanism

In practical softwares, performance is one of the biggest problems though experimental ones don’t care it. Additionally, it is not a common case that a number of files are provided as a bulk dataset. It is more common that small data are provided day by day. In this assumption, it is effective with performance to save intermediate output. This module has cache mechanism to save intermediate output. I/O functions for caches can be also customized.

5-layers architecture

This module follows 5-layers architecture. The layers are pushed in a stack. A layer calls the upper layers (black dashed arrows). If a layer’s cache has target data, the layer returns them. Otherwise, it runs actual caluculation. In case that all layers don’t have target data in their cache, caluculations are go from the top to the bottom (red bold arrows).

XML Layer

This layer converts a PDF file to a XML file containing sentensized texts with styling attributes such as font size, font color and coordinate in the PDF page. This layer depends on pdfminer.six.

Candidate Term Layer

This layer extracts candidates of terminologies from a XML data. It splits texts into tokens, then constructs candidates from tokens. This layer depends on spaCy.

Method Layer

This layer calculates method scores of candidates based on occurence/co-occurence/concatenation frequency, document frequency, colocation likelihood and so on. It’s up to an algorithm what values are used to find scores.

Styling Layer

This layer calculates styling scores of candidates based on font size, font color and coordinate in a PDF page and so on. Styling scores reflects our intuitions such as: The larger font size is, the more important a text must be. If an emphasized color is used, a text must be important.

Technical Term Layer

This layer selects terminologies from candidates based on method scores and styling scores. The order of the terminologies is appearance order in a PDF file.



Simplest example

Here is a zero-config example

from py_pdf_term import PyPDFTermSingleDomainExtractor, DomainPDFList

def extract_terminologies_from_example_pdfs():
    # create an extractor instance with zero-config
    extractor = PyPDFTermSingleDomainExtractor()

    # define input: domain name and list of PDF paths
    domain = "example"
    pdf_path = "example/file1.pdf"
    domain_pdfs = DomainPDFList(
        ["example/file1.pdf", "example/file2.pdf", "example/file3.pdf"],

    # receive output: extracted terminologies
    terminologies = extractor.extract(pdf_path=pdf_path, domain_pdfs=domain_pdfs)

    return terminologies.to_dict()

Django Example

Here is an example with Django.’s FileField

from django.db import models
from py_pdf_term import PyPDFTermSingleDomainExtractor, DomainPDFList
from py_pdf_term.pdftoxml.binopeners import BaseBinaryOpener

class PDFFile(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    file = models.FileField(upload_to=pdf_upload_to, max_length=200)

# define a class to open a PDF file on Django FileField
class StorageFileBinaryOpener(BaseBinaryOpener):
    def open(self, path: str, mode: str):
            pdf_file = PDFFile.objects.get(file=path)
        except PDFFile.DoesNotExist:
            raise RuntimeError()

        bytesio = BytesIO(pdf_file.file.read())
        return bytesio

def extract_terminologies_from_example_pdf():
    # define a name to find the class
    bin_opener = "example.StorageFileBinaryOpener"

    # registrate the class to the mapper
    bin_opener_mapper = BinaryOpenerMapper()
    bin_opener_mapper.add(bin_opener, StorageFileBinaryOpener)

    # create an extractor instance with following configs:
    #    - deactive the caches in all layers
    #    - costomize the class to open a PDF file
    # see API reference to check all configs
    extractor = PyPDFTermSingleDomainExtractor(

    # define input: domain name and list of PDF paths
    domain = "example"
    pdf_path = "example/file1.pdf"
    domain_pdfs = DomainPDFList(
        ["example/file1.pdf", "example/file2.pdf", "example/file3.pdf"],

    # receive output: extracted terminologies
    terminologies = extractor.extract(pdf_path=pdf_path, domain_pdfs=domain_pdfs)

    return terminologies.to_dict()

API reference